Saturday, June 16, 2012

To Read or Not to Read?

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I just make stupid faces sometimes.



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Shirt: Old Navy/Skirt: Handmade/ Shoes: Forever 21/ Necklace: Target/ Headband: Delia's

This was taken the last week of school, I think. I'm surprised I managed to look human then, as finals were super stressful along with finding out about all of our summer homework and the 364 pages of Victorian literature we have to read, not to mention Macbeth and that's only for English.
The first thing I did after finding out about our assignment is Google the best movie version of Wuthering Heights, yet was then kindly informed that the "best version" was only available in the UK. And so I resigned myself to reading the book.
I ususally don't mind Victorian lit, I've been an avid Jane Austen fan for years now and Jane
Eyre is one of my favorite books, but I guess my issue with Wuthering Heights is that not a single character in the story is likable. I genuinely hate all of them. I don't like reading things about people I don't like, I do that enough on my Facebook newsfeed and so I'm plodding through the last couple hundred pages of Wuthering Heights slowly but surely. Fortunately I have things like One Direction and Supernatural to help me along my way.

Currently listening to: "Ballad of Human Kindness" by The Dears

Love always,

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